LAN Party Tower-D
By Dave Marcaccini

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LAN TD v1.2b

Starting Locations are:

Fixes and Updates:
New with v1.2b:
1.) Fixed bug that some players experience of invunerable creeps for games with two or more players. This bug was actually fixed during testing of v1.2 but some players still experience it for some reason. Since I cannot reproduce the conditions during testing, I've removed the 0.33 second spawn invunerability altogether which was originally added as fix v1.2 sub-item B (listed below). That problem was such a rare occurance (and actually should never happen without the players intenionally trying) that I've decided to remove that fix to ensure the catastrophic bug experienced by some players never happens! In fact, fix B (listed below) has been fixed by another more elegant method.

New with v1.2:
1.) Added invisible creeps on waves 31 and 45. To combat these enemies you must have Tomicus Towers in your defenses or purchase a Gem of True Seeing from a tavern. Don't worry, the game will remind you a couple of rounds before the cloaked enemies arrive.

2.) Your Level 3 Milos Towers can now benefit from the Lapua Magnum Rounds upgrade available at any tavern. These Depleted Uranium Rounds greatly improve the damage of the Milos Tower making it useful in the end-game. This upgrade affects all of your current and future Level 3 Milos Towers

3.) Your Level 3 K4 Towers can now enjoy the Dank Nug product for sale at all taverns! This high grade herb greatly amplifies his Smoke.up ability making him quite useful against end-game ground waves. This upgrade affects all of your current and future Level 3 K4 Towers

4.) Your Fortigin Towers can now wield Viper Blades. Available as an upgrade from any tavern. Made from the blood of Merlin, these powerful blades can be thrown at enemies for 2500 initial damage and an additional 2500 damage over 5 seconds. This upgrade affects all of your current and future Fortigin Towers

5.) All Eric The Red Towers now have the Faerie Fire ability which reduces the armor of enemy units. This spell proves quite useful against bosses and heavily armored enemies and thus makes the Eric The Red Tower a valuable addition to your defenses.

6.) The name of wave 34 (formerly Keith Richards) has been changed to Keef Riffhard because it's more badass ;-)

7.) All enemies now have different armor types and all towers have various attack types. This changes the dynamics of the game! It is more difficult to rely on just a few types of towers since most towers are now strong against some waves but weak against others.

8.) NEW TOWER! The John and Mary Tower Level 3 now upgrades to the Primer Tower! This tower does solid damage to both land and air units. Priced at 900G (940G total), it is useful throughout the game. Give it a try!

9.) New items available at all tavers: Fanumboots: gives That Kid a movement speed increase, and The Pendant of Mana: gives That Kid 75 additional mana for extra tasing.

10.) That Kid can now purchase a Northrend Warfare Magnum - Police from any tavern. This Electromagnetic Rail Gun deals massive damage to whatever it hits! It requires ammo slugs also available at all taverns. This weapon and its ammo is quite expensive but you get what you pay for.

11.) A cheat command system has been added to the game. Commands can be entered by any player. It works as follows:
sv_cheats 1Enables Cheats
sv_cheats 0Disables Cheats
mp_changelevel ##Instantly ends the current wave and changes the wave to the specified round. ## must be a number from 1 to 50
mp_changelives ###Changes the lives remaining to the specified number. ### must be a number from 1 to 999
mp_delaytime ##Changes time interval between rounds. ## must be a number from 1 to 99
npc_killInstantly kills all enemies currently alive and restarts the current round.

Bug Fixes:
A.) Fixed a major bug that caused accidental deletion of all units when a player leaves the game.

B.) Fixed a rare bug that caused the next round to start if all currently spawned units were somehow killed before the current wave was done spawning. This was possible if a Furter Tower used Crushing Light right over the spawn point.

C.) Fixed race conditions caused by the use of global variables that caused minor glitches. Some where noticable with incorrect leaderboard stats.

New with v1.1:
1.) Added Difficulty Modes: players can now select one of 3 difficulty levels to play. Each player's choice applies to only them. The modes include:
-Easy: No Tax, (this is what version 1.0 was)
-Medium: 15% Bounty Tax
-Hard: 30% Bounty Tax
You better watch your spending on these harder modes!

2.) Updated Leaderboard now displays the current wave for those of you always yelling, "What round is it???!" Well there ya go, nuff said

3.) The Suicide option on the Furter Tower no longer has a hotkey (formerly [X] in v1.0) to avoid accidental death when playing with knives.

4.) Hotkey of the Nixel Tower is now [N] rather than [X] to avoid accidental liquidation of your Ogre Assets ;-)

The the "original" Lan TD v1.2 is available here.
The short-lived Lan TD v1.1Beta is available here.
Classic Lan TD v1.0 is still available here.
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